Introduction to Machine Learning

Hello All , It’s been long time i haven’t written anything in my blog. I have just now started learning “Machine Learning” . I will try to write a post about my learning as much as possible .

Why I choose Machine Learning?

 Machine Learning came some long time ago , why i choose to learn now? The Information technology world is changing every single day . Yes “Change is the only thing constant” in this technology world . 

Even though i have started my career as software developer , it was in my long term list to learn machine learning , i didn’t pay much attention to it . Now i have decided to learn out of my passion and interest for it .

How am i learning Machine Learning?

I am learning Machine Learning from videos and text books . I haven’t taken any course for that . I have started watching Andrew N videos and few texts from others to learn .

What is Machine Learning?

It’s very difficult to explain in words , i will try to explain in my own words

Machine Learning defines ability to teach/train machine(system) to predict certain things based on the rules given to them and also improves efficiency based on the experience .

Best real time example is “Playing chess against computer AI” . In AI it has rules( how pieces can move , how many steps can move) , with that it predicts and makes a move for a human move. In short there is no hard coded way if this move then this move , It calculates all possible moves against a move and makes the best move . How this is been done? System is loaded with tactics and statistics for a game . It improves from it’s experience and becomes better at it .

Let’s get to the introduction of what we are going to see in this .

We can divide the Machine Learning into four important Parts

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Deep Learning
  4. Reinforcement Learning

We will see each one with small introduction to it , in later posts we will explain each one with detailed examples .

Supervised Learning

In a given data (known labels) find meaningful relationship between them and predict/estimate the output. We can split Supervised into two categories

  1. Regression
  2. Classification


For example: Predicting House Price for a given square feet .

Lets assume this data set 1000sqft -> 4Lakhs, 2000 -> 7.5 lakhs , 5000sqft -> 18lakhs .

When asked to find the price for 700Square feet , we can easily draw and map the price from given data set . This is called regression , because the value we are trying to predict is continuous.

Classification :

This another type of supervised algorithms . Best example for this type is predicting /identifying blood group of humans .

Here Y axis value is constant ( O+, O-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-) . But we can have discrete number of x values (Human blood samples) . Here Y can take discrete values of X hence it’s called classification Supervised Learning .

Unsupervised Learning:

Unsupervised learning defines , analyses unlabeled data and groups/clusters them .

for example:

In above image , as you can see given unlabeled data , unsupervised machine learning algorithms analyzes and finds pattern and groups/clusters them together . This is called Unsupervised learning where unknown data given .

We will see about other two types also in detail once we finish these types of learning in detail in upcoming posts.

That’s it . Thanks for reading . All kind of feedback are welcome. Happy coding !